The Engagement of Maria by Raphael (Raffaello, 1504)


Original Image

Full image: click here


At first, I set the origin of the reference coordinate in the middle of image. The white points are reference points. Red lines are parallel to X-axis, and green ones are parallel to Y-axis. Z-axis is shown as blue lines. Origin has initially (0, 0, 0). The white point show as reference height has (0, 0, 170). The white point on the intersection of red line and green line has (0, 135, 0). The other white point has (150, 0, 0). Using those values and vanishing lines, I got a following image.


New view of the image (I)


The shape of this image is somewhat reasonable, but I missed an important point. The building has a round shape and the middle parts of the building (right on the stairways) have to have smaller width than the bottom (on the reference plane). Above image seems to express those parts have same width. The reason why I got this image is that I used vanishing lines to find out corresponding points on the reference plane for the middle parts of the building.  Those are shown at the first image of this page. So, I assumed that the building is round, then tried again.


New view of the image (II)


This figure is much reasonable than the first one. It seems to be more stable. Because I assumed the building is round, I tried to find out the center point of the building on the reference plane. To find out this point, I measured camera height. And, using vanishing lines, I estimate the center point of building.


Some of texture map

before and after retouching


before and after retouching



VRML: click here



- I used 19 textures to make this model. Retouching the image improves view.

- Second model is more reasonable and quite accurately modeling the painting, but still shows some artificiality. This is due to some numbers I gave to the model and difficulty lies in finding center of the building. If I had more time, I would try to find out the camera position, then using camera position and normal vector of the stairs, I could find out more accurate point for center of the building.